Making It Better

Our Goal is to improve the relationship between law enforcement and the community. These resources are proactive versus reactive. We building a positive rapport with children and adults with customized literature that shares the importances of officers and those meant to keep our families safe.

Literary Engineers invites you to consider ordering books for your department to distribute to schools in your area. Typically, we focus on 3rd grade. This grade allows officers to plant positive seeds of behavior in children before they are jaded or influenced beyond the ability to modify their behavior without a significant event. We continue to support the people who wear the uniform, those of you who deeply care about the next generation, and those who know we can make a difference with community engagement.

Literary Engineers have worked with more than 30 school districts and several law enforcement agencies  across the United States.We have donated thousands of books and have granted access to books to more than a million readers. 

You can choose to order cases of books (30 books per case) already in print or if you want a customized book (minimum of 40 cases), please send us your inquiry and we love to help improve the relationship of your department with your community.

Depending on inventory, it may take 4 to 12 weeks for delivery.


Below is additional information for your review about the books, resources on the portal, and the author.