Supporting Your Dream
Our Goal is to have over a million families reading together from January 15-22. 25% of the proceeds from any subscriptions during this period will be donated to nonprofit organizations. If we meet our goal of 1,000,000 subscribers we will distribute an additional $1,000,000 in scholarships.
Literary Engineers invites you to participate in the Support Your Dream event. This event, held in conjunction with the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, allows us to provide free access to some of the resources on our literary portal as encouragement to get kids and parents reading together.
Literary Engineers have worked with more than 30 school districts across the United States.We have donated thousands of books and have granted access to books to more than a million readers.
At the end of the month, we will share the results of all the organizations who supported this initiative and the amount we donated to each organization.
Here’s the link you can share with people to participate for FREE for the event:
Below is additional information for your review about the event, resources on the portal, and the author.